14th Annual International Capoeira Angola Conference

Event Information
Event Date: 
February 24, 2016 - 6:30pm - February 28, 2016 - 4:00pm
multiple locations

Capoeira Angola Center of Mestre João Grande Champaign -IL announces the 14th Annual International Capoeira Angola Conference at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Feburary 25th-28th, 2016.

Presented by Denis Chiaramonte of Capoeira Angola Center of Mestre João Grande Champaign -IL, and the Capoeira Club at UIUC. Please join us for a fabulous weekend of celebrating Brazilian culture. We are honored to have Great Mestre João Grande and Professors leading workshops in Capoeira Angola , Afro-Brazilian dance,woodblock printing, and Capoeira Angola music. We are hoping that you and your energy will be part of the weekend!

Mestre João Grande (Brasil, New York City, NY)
Mestre Marrom (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)
Contra- Mestre Tatiana (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)
Leslie Arbogast- Dunham Technique and Dance Anthropology Educator - (California)
Casey Lowery- Mult-media/wood block printing Artist

Event Schedule (subject to change)

Wednesday, February 24th

Capoeira Angola Center Illinois
6:30-8:00pm- Capoeira Angola workshop

Thursday, February 25th

Krannert Performing Art Center- DRK Room
9:30am-10:15am-Capoeira Angola movement workshop

Illinois State University

Bone Student Center ISU
Normal, Illinois 61761

6:00-8:00pm Capoeira Angola movement and Music class
8:00-9:00pm Brazilian Cultural Show

Friday, Feburary 26th

School Presentation 9:00- 9:45am

illini Union Courtyard Cafe

6:00 - 8:00pm Capoeira Angola Movement Class
8:00-10:00pm- Capoeira Angola Music class/Roda

Saturday, Feburary 27th

Lincoln Square Mall Downtown Urbana

9:00-10:00 am Kids Capoeira Angola Kids class
10:00- 11:00am Capoeira Angola Roda presentation

UIUC Dance Department Nevada A
907 1/2 West Nevada Street
Urbana, Illinois 61801

12:00am- 2:00pm- Capoeira Angola Adult Movement Class

2:00-3:00pm - Break/Cultural Lunch

3:00pm - 4:00pm Afo- dance class

4:00-6:00pm Capoeira Angola Movement class

6:00pm -8:00pm Capoeira Angola Music / Roda

Sunday, Feburary 28th

Capoeira Angola Center Champaign Illinois

9am- 9:45am Yoga class

10:00-11:00am Maculele Class lead Mestre João Grande

11:00-1:00pm Capoeira workshop

1:00pm-2:00pm Break

2:00-4:00pm Capoeira Roda

4:00pm Potluck dinner

Address Locations:

UIUC Dance Department Nevada A/B
907 West Nevada Street
Urbana, Illinois 61801

Capoeira Angola Center Champaign Illinois
122 w Main Street
Urbana Il 61801

Krannert Performing Art Center- DRK Room
Stage floor Room DRK
500 South Goodwin Ave,
Urbana IL 61801

Illinois Union Courtyard Cafe
1401 W Green Street Urbana IL 61801


Paid for by the students Cultural Programming fee
Capoeira Club at UIUC
Dance at Illinois
Students of Capoeira Angola Center Champaign Illinois

Free for UIUC student with a UIUC Student ID

Full event $100.00
T-shirt $15.00 if paid for full event
T-shirt $20 without event

Prices for Per-day rate

Thursday $50.00
Friday $60.00
Saturday $85.00
Sunday $60.00

Instructors, Treinels, Professores and Contra-Mestres, remember this fee is an Investment and a Donation to support the Capoeira Angola!

Dress Code *
For Capoeira Angola workshops only
– Flat sole shoes
– T-Shirt that can be tuck into your pants
– Capoeira Angola or dress pants
– Tank tops not allowed

If you have any questions regarding the event or travel please feel free to contact us via e-mail or
Denis or Aisha – 217-721-0887 angolacenterillinois@gmail.com

Free for UIUC student with a UIUC Student ID | Full Event $100.00; Prices for Per-day rates: Thursday $50.00; Friday $60.00; Saturday $85.00; Sunday $60.00
More Information